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work experienceOctober 2011–November 2011
employerIIS (high school) in Lonigo, Vicenza (italy)
positionSupply teacher (A035, Electrical Engineering and Applications)
 March 2011–on going
 employerSintetik snc
 areaMultimedia applications

iOS developer.


Febraury 2006–on going




Graphic design and communication


Graphic designer, creative


Design and implementation of corporate and personal web sites, and visual communication.


April 2012–on going


The Open University, UK




Research in Sound and Music Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Music Education

February 2011–March 2012


Thelonious Music School, Vicenza


Drum kit.

Teacher: Gianni Bertoncini


October 9, 2008–April 9, 2009


Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain)


Six month Erasmus programme scholarship.

Final project for Master Degree Thesis (Laurea Specialistica in Computer Engineering) in Human-Computer Interation at the Music Technology Group. Specific work in the Reactable project.

Tutor: Sergi Jordà.


January 2007–June 2010


Università degli Studi di Padova


MSc in Computer Engineering


Most theoretical courses (abstract algebra, algorithmics) along with practical subjects of my interest (signals and images processing, sound and music computing).

Supervisor: Giovanni De Poli.


September 2002–December 2006


Università degli Studi di Padova


BSc in Computer Engineering


Basics of Computer Engineering (physics, electronics, automation, algorithms, calculus).

Final thesis on hard real time systems.

Supervisor: Michele Moro



 institutionSezione ARI di Vicenza (Italian Radiotechnics Association)
 courseRadiotechnics and Telegraphy
 titleOrdinary Amateur Radio Operator license
  September 1997–July 2002
 schoolITIS Alessandro Rossi (Vicenza, Italy)
 specialtyElectronics and Telecommunications
 titlePerito Industriale
other languages

understanding: C1, spoken: B2, written: C1

 spanishunderstanding: C1, spoken: B2, written: C1
other skills
personalI’m interested in Human-Computer Interaction, especially in interactive systems for music production. I also work on user interface design with emphasis on human factor and accessibility.
 relationalI enjoy working in small groups with emphasis on communication between people, and in which quality work is appreciated. I easily adapt to multicultural environments.
 organizationalI understand and practice the basics of Project Management.

I can configure and manage Linux systems for both desktop and server destination. Distribution of choice: Gentoo Linux.

I can code with some of the most widespread programming languages such as C, C++, PHP, and Java. I currently develop web sites and applications using PHP, XML, SQL, JavaScript and Zend Framework. I acquired some experience with Drupal. I’m interested in Ruby, and Ruby on Rails development.
 artisticI’ve been playing the drums since 1997 and I’m still studying and practicing, while also teaching the basics of drumming to individuals and small groups. I can also play some other instruments. I write articles on technology. I also draw comic strips and other illustrations using pencil, paper, Wacom tablet, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Inkscape.
 driving licensesB (2001)
certificates Febraury 2011
 institutionUniversità degli Studi di Padova
 titleAuthorization to practice as Information Engineer (Italy, Section A).

August 31st, 2010

Educational Testing Services (ETS)


Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test.

Verbal Reasoning: 390/800, Quantitative Reasoning: 750/800, Analytical Writing: 3,5/6.

published worksinformative articole

A. Franceschini. Estendere Drupal: scrivere moduli personalizzati. In Linux&C, year 12, issue 75. Piscopo Editore, 2011.

informative articole

A. Franceschini. Creare temi e pagine personalizzate per Drupal. In Linux&C, year 12, issue 74. Piscopo Editore, 2011.

informative article

A. Franceschini. Drupal: web content manager potente e flessibile. In Linux&C, year 12, issue 73. Piscopo Editore, 2011.

scientific paper

A. Franceschini. Towards a practical approach to music theory on the Reactable. In Proceedings of the 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC2001). Barcelona, Spain.

 master's thesis

A. Franceschini. A practical approach to music theory on the Reactable. Master’s thesis. Università di Padova, 2010.

 informative article

A. Franceschini. Inkscape: impariamo a dominare tracciati e colori. In Linux&C, year 11 issue 67. Piscopo Editore, 2009.

 informative article

A. Franceschini. Inkscape: fare grafica vettoriale con Linux. In Linux&C, year 10 issue 65. Piscopo Editore, 2008.